Uprawnienia pielęgniarek do samodzielnego podejmowania działań w stanach padaczkowych
Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo w Stanach Nagłych - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2
Contemporary nursing trends result in the expansion of the scope of competence in independent nursing practice, aiming at multi-faceted perception of a patient and their problems. Sudden status epilepticus is one of the situations that require immediate action. A nurse acting unassisted in such a case has the knowledge and skills necessary to provide aid.
Authors and Affiliations
mgr Jacek Apanasewicz, mgr Elżbieta Milewska, dr n. med. Halina Śliżewska, dr n. o zdr. Małgorzata Andryszczyk, mgr Mirosława Borowa
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