Uroki auskultacji, czyli krótka historia stetoskopu

Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 48


The author presents a history and the contemporaryfunctioning of the nineteenth‑centuryinvention: the stethoscope. It is both an object,or a tool (used in medicine and forensicscience) and a medium, which in the course oftransformations aiming at improving its use, haschanged its form but kept its main function, i.e.the transmitting of sounds and increasing theirvolume. The inventor of the stethoscope wasRené ThéophileHyacinthe Laennec (1781 – 1826),who not only constructed the tool for the auscultationof the human heart and lungs, but alsoleft its detailed description and drawings inhis work De l’auscultationmédiate (1819). Laennec,by introducing the stethoscope, which canbe regarded as an example of a material extension,into medical practice, initiated a series ofchanges in relationships between a doctor anda patient (such as an increasing distance betweenthe two, dependence of medical diagnoses ondata obtained by means of machines and tools).Neil Postman exploited stories on the stethoscopein his reflections on the complex relationshipbetween culture and technology, whereasMichel Foucault used them when characterizingthe transformation of European discursive formations.These are undoubtedly vital diagnosesfor our present times.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Rygielska


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  • EP ID EP187210
  • DOI 10.5604/16448340.1226678
  • Views 54
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How To Cite

Małgorzata Rygielska (2016). Uroki auskultacji, czyli krótka historia stetoskopu. Kultura Popularna, 2(48), 38-49. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-187210