Usability of sEMG analysis for the evaluation of the muscles stimulation sequence in the lumbosciatic area in patients suffering from pain in lumbar spine
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2014, Vol 14, Issue 3
Aim of the study: 1. Evaluation of the relationship between the change in the stimulation sequence of muscles in the lumbosciatic area and the occurrence of functional pain in the L section of the vertebral column, as compared to the Janda’s model. 2. Analysis of the differences in the superficial electromyography (sEMG) record of a correct and disturbed pattern of muscle recruitment during the prone hip extension test in two sub-groups of patients: suffering from pain (sub-group A) and without pain (sub-group B). 3. Evaluation of the suitability of the sEMG measurement for making diagnoses in patients with pains in the lumbar section of the vertebral column. The material and method: For the research, 61 persons were qualified, aged 20-35 years, with the average age 25 years (+/- 6). The tested group was divided into two sub-groups. 33 persons were qualified to sub-group A, and to sub-group B (reference group) 28 persons were qualified. Among the participants, a questionnaire was spread, prepared for the needs of the survey, to be filled in. For testing the sequence of stimulations, the measurements were used which had been obtained from the sEMG record during the Prone Hip Extension (PHE )Test.Results: The results obtained during the examination of the muscles recruitment pattern in PHE test showed a changed sequence of muscles activation in the Patients from sub-group A vs. these from sub-group B. The results of chi-square test (χ²) confirmed the statistically significant dependence: the persons with pain symptoms in the lumbar spine statistically less frequently showed the correct sequence of muscles engagement: χ²=5.05, p=0.041, R= - 0.59 (strong negative dependence).Conclusions: Changes in the pattern of muscles recruitment during the hip joint extension lead to overloads in the lumbosciatic area, consequently causing pain in the lumbar section. Superficial electromyography, because of the possibility of obtaining the quantitative outcome, is a useful method of evaluating muscles performance.
Authors and Affiliations
Karolina Kleist-Lamk, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon, Stanisław Bakuła, Elżbieta Rajkowska-Labon
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