Use of health aerobics in the process of aesthetic education of students
Journal Title: Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 1
to determine the role and influence of recreational aerobics in the process of aesthetic education of female students. Material. For the study, groups of female students were recruited: basic and control for 30 people. Before the beginning of the study using a questionnaire, a self-assessment of female students about the effect of aerobics on their psycho-emotional state was revealed. Results. Based on the analysis of the literature, it has been established that aerobic exercise develops creative abilities and has a purposeful impact on: aesthetic reproduction, the formation of thinking, imagination, the mastery of modes of activity, emotional relations to objects of an aesthetic nature. Modern aerobics is a very dynamic structure, which is constantly replenished with an arsenal of tools and methods used. There are more and more new types of aerobics with the use of various subjects, simulators and other devices. Modern recreational aerobics is one of the mass kinds of physical culture, the attractive side of which is not only accessibility of motor actions, but also their high health and aesthetic orientation. The positive influence of recreational aerobics under musical accompaniment on the aesthetic development of female students of the main group is shown. By all criteria for assessing the level of aesthetic perception, positive dynamics was revealed. The general psychoemotional state and interest in studies improved in the course of the study. The students who during the whole experiment were engaged in aerobics, the state of health and mood improved, the motivation for studies increased, and the activity showed the maximum result from the above. Conclusions. Aerobics can be recommended as a kind of physical activity for the aesthetic education of female students.
Authors and Affiliations
Т. В. Капустина, А. А. Алпатова, Ю. Ю. Плужникова
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