Use of Oil as a Lubricant makes Lacrimal Sac Massage Efficient in Congenital NasoLacrimal Duct Obstruction (CNLDO)
Journal Title: MVP Journal of Medical Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 1
Introduction: Congenital NasoLacrimal Duct Obstruction (CNLDO) is a frequent entity in the paediatric age. CNLDO has a 20% to 30% incidence rate out of which only 1% to 6% become symptomatic.1 The 4% of premature infants are affected with CNLDO.2 The management of failed Crigler’s Sac massage is probing, secondary probing, external DCR and with or without intubation is well known to all. To avoid the sequelae of CNLDO, cure of CNLDO is mandatory. Hence the aim of the study is primary cure for CNLDO by using specific treatment of Crigler’s Sac massage with Oil is emphasised. Method: This study was about 140 eyes and in each group, 70 eyes were enrolled with lost to follow up considerations. Patients had been selected and randomised alternatively when visited ophthalmology OPD. The CNLDO patients were selected from the age group ranged 1 to 9 months. Follow up of all patients was taken every month up to 15 months of age. Each and every patient from both the groups had to complete the formality of clinical consultation, doctors counselling to parents specially mothers explaining the procedure of sac massage and taking a live demonstration by mother/ parent hence confirming the proper technique to be followed at home. Results: In group A, Standard Crigler’s Method was used only on 54 eyes out of enrolment of 70 eyes. In group B, Standard Method with add on therapy of oil massage had been given to 66 eyes out of 70. In group B, cure rate was found in 60(91%) which was significantly differing from the cure rate of group A 30(56%) by Standard Crigler’s Method at P<0.001. Complications were found in 20 eyes in group A and in group B only one patient showed complication unrelated to the treatment of CNLDO used by the patients in this group. No significant difference was seen in the sex distribution in relation to CNLDO at P>0.05. Conclusion: The primary need of Crigler’s Sac Massage using Oil has given the importance towards good compliance and success of curing CNLDO.
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