Use of the standard and individual abutments in prosthetic implant treatment. Review of the literature
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2018, Vol 71, Issue 1
<b>Introduction.</b> In modern dentistry implants have become an integral part of comprehensive treatment. Intraosseous dental implants replace the structure and functions of missing teeth, emerging in the oral cavity after coming through the mucosa. The integration of the trans-mucosa with the implant surface may constitute a path of migration for bacteria and toxins, subsequently causing peri-implantitis. The selection of a suitable abutment is crucial in order to prevent such an inflammatory process. It blocks the passage of penetrating bacteria, provides stability for preliminary treatment and, most importantly, ensures osseointegration and success in implant-prosthetic treatment. <b>Aim of the study.</b> To compare standard and customised abutments utilized in prosthetic implant treatment on the basis of a review of international and Polish literature, as well as descriptions of various abutments available on the Polish market. <b>Methods.</b> A review of literature accessible through the resources guide for biomedical literature – PubMed (Medline) was performed to systematize, evaluate and compare numerous types of abutments and available abutment systems for dental implants. Observations of the progress in their construction and many laboratory examinations facilitate the selection of a suitable type of abutment attaching the prosthetic element to the implant. The most important criteria for abutments are: tight-fitting shape, size, seating position, material, inclination angle in relation to the implant’s long axis, good stabilisation and retention, and aesthetic profile of emergence from the soft tissues.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Śpiewok, Rafał Rój, Tadeusz Morawiec, Karolina Iskrzycka
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