Usefulness of determining CA 125 and HE4 serum concentration in diagnosis of ovarian cancer
Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2015, Vol 69, Issue
INTRODUCTION: Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumor that is the most common cause of death among women with abnormalities of the reproductive organs. CA125 plays a key role in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. However, accord-ing to recent reports, potentially new markers may be HE4 and ROMA. The aim of study was to assess the clinical usefulness of marker concentrations in the serum of women with ovarian cancer and ROMA determination, as well as to compare the results of those obtained from patients with endometrial cancer and from healthy women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted in the Beskid Oncology Centre in Bielsko-Biala, in the follow-ing groups of women: control group – healthy women, I research group – women with ovarian cancer, II research group – women with non-malignant gynecological diseases and III research group – women with endometrial cancer. In order to determine the concentrations of the markers, the immunological method with electrochemiluminescence technology was applied. RESULTS: A statistically significant difference between the marker concentrations and specified value of ROMA in the groups of healthy women and of those with ovarian cancer (p < 0.001) and with non-malignant gynecological disorders (CA125 p < 0.001, HE4 p = 0.034; ROMA p = 0.012) was demonstrated. The ROC curve analysis showed that determining the markers’total concentration and determining ROMA significantly improves the diagnostic value of the test as compared to single-marker determination (AUC:CA125 69%; HE4 85%; ROMA 90%). CONCLUSIONS: Simultaneous measurements of CA125 and HE4 concentrations as well as determining ROMA for the differential diagnosis of pelvic tumors and gynecological cancers (ovarian, endometrial cancer) were proven use-ful.
Authors and Affiliations
Izabela A. Gumółka
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