Using Behavior of Agrochemicals and Pesticides and Their Impacts on Human Health: A Perception Based Rural Study in Bangladesh


The main theme of the present study has been taken to know the using behaviour of agrochemicals and pesticides and their impacts on human health at Rangasree union of Barisal district in Bangladesh. Both the primary and secondary sources of data are integrated to achieve the findings of the study. Primary data were collected through direct field observation survey, questionnaire survey, focus group discussion (FGD) and expert’s opinion survey. There are 400 questionnaires were selected randomly and conducted during the months of April 2015 to December 2015. Secondary data were collected from various official records and related researchers’ publications through their paper and articles and also internet sources. It is observed from the study that a significant number of farmers (31%) were used to apply white nitrogen fertilizer mainly Urea in their field. They used to familiar some other agrochemicals namely; triple super phosphate (TSP), murate of potash (MP), zinc and single super phosphate (SSP) by 26%, 21%, 8%, and 7% respectively found in the study area. It is known from the study that maximum (95%) farmers are habituated to use urea fertilizer. It is observed that (82.5%) farmers were used to apply Basudin ranging from 2.50 kg to 7.50 kg per acre on the cropping land. It is also observed from the study that only 21% users are used to apply spray machine and about 39% farmers are habituated to use free hand as a tools for pesticides use in their filed. It is identified from the present study that 75.75% farmers’ healths are affected by the use of agrochemicals and pesticides. The findings of the study also suggested for building awareness about safe agrochemicals and pesticides use with management and undesirable practice in rural Bangladesh.

Authors and Affiliations

M. Muhibbullah, M. I. Sarwar


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  • DOI 10.9734/AJAEES/2017/37465
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How To Cite

M. Muhibbullah, M. I. Sarwar (2017). Using Behavior of Agrochemicals and Pesticides and Their Impacts on Human Health: A Perception Based Rural Study in Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 21(4), 1-15.