Utilisation of Health Care Facilities by Geriatric Population: A Study from Rural India.
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 4
Background: Elderly people are more vulnerable to diseases and are likely to utilize a significant proportion of health care facilities. This study examines the pattern of utilization of health care facilities by the elderly people of rural India. Methods: The observational cross-sectional study was carried out in the rural field practice areas of a medical college hospital over a period of one year on 660 individuals using a pre-tested questionnaire administered in their own language which was administered by the first author during a face-to-face interview. Results: There were 336 (50.91%) males in our study. The most common ailment that the subjects were suffering from was dental issues. Around 92% subjects availed the non-government facilities for their health issues, and most of them (52%) utilized services of unqualified professionals. Conclusion: Our study depicts that maximum number of subjects did not avail proper medical care and most preferred non-governmental services to government health care facilities.
Authors and Affiliations
Shalender Bali MD, Saima Nazir MD, M Rafiq Mir MD, SameenaYousuf MD
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