Uwagi o polemikach. Na marginesie dyskusji nad pochodzeniem Anonima Galla
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2012, Vol 6, Issue
Recenzja książki: Jarosław Wenta, Kronika tzw. Galla. Historyczne (monastyczne i genealogiczne) oraz geograficzne konteksty powstania, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń 2011
Authors and Affiliations
Edward Skibiński
Latein als Brücke zwischen Deutschland und Polen
The article discusses the role of Latin and Latin culture in mutual relations between Poles and Germans. Medieval manuscripts and their significance in the life of their owners are analysed, as are fragments of works whi...
Dialektyka i synteza. O Pascalowskiej filozofii człowieka
This attempt sets out to outline the singularity of anthropological thought of Blaise Pascal, the leading precursor of existential philosophy and one of the most eminent scholars of the 17th century. The author highlight...
Modelli di comportamento sociale nell’omiletica gesuita polacca Fra Societas Christiana e sarmatismo illuminato
The article discusses the models of social behaviour that were propagated by the Jesuit preachers of the Polish and Lithuanian provinces in the mid-18th century. The selected sermons reveal immediate intellectual links w...
Enculturation and humanization in education: pro et contra
The author substantiates the proposition of productiveness of enculturation as a principle of organization of educational environment. Furthermore, a comparative analysis with humanization as the mainstream of educationa...
Izrael – państwo demokratyczne czy teokratyczne?
Izrael – państwo demokratyczne czy teokratyczne? Anna Dudzińska, Tożsamość żydowska a polityka imigracyjna Izraela, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 2014, 154 s.