Uwarunkowania rozprzestrzenienia i właściwości serii organicznej zawierającej szczątki lasu z młodszego dryasu w Kotlinie Kolskiej
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2014, Vol 102, Issue 102
The study concerns the extent of the organic series, which is characteristic element of geology of the Warta valley low terrace. The series contains trees remnants of the Younger Dryas forest. The purpose of the study was to establish if the continuity and significant extent of the series observed previously in the walls of the open pits of the “Adamów” Lignite Mine is the rule. Results of investigations indicate that organic series has covered the area at least of 18 km2 and have confirmed the thesis that the occurrence ofthe series coincideswith the low terrace of the Warta valley. The properties of the organic series as thickness and texture were recognized. On the base of the altitude of the top of the series, the gradient of the top was counted and compared with gradients of present morphological elements of the valley. The causes of localbreaks in continuity ofthe series were identified and connected with the functioning ofthe multichannel systeminthe Warta River valleyat the end ofthe LateVistulian. The study results suggest that the organic series was spread almost within the entire valley bottom during the Younger Dryas, when it reached the greatest extent. The erosion during the Holocene led to removal of the series from the axis of the valley. The anthropopressure is an importantfactor which causes discontinuity ofthe seriesin the study area.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Petera-Zganiacz, Karol Andrzejak
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