Użycie sił powietrznych poza granicami kraju w aspekcie formalnoprawnych regulacji krajowych i międzynarodowych
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej - Year 2010, Vol 2010, Issue 1
The use of the Pohsh Air Force outside the country cannot be conducted away from commonly accepted international and Polish law regulations. They create a certain kind of framework, a signpost to prepare and plan this kind of missions on the strategic level. The Polish Air Forces will plan this kind of tasks, taking into consideration all legal aspects and operational capabilities basing on detailed guidelines included in the allied doctrinal documents as well as in the Polish authorities ' decisions. This must be unconditionally taken into account during the process of preparing and training preceding each mission outside the country through appropriately adapted provisions in executive plans and orders. Moreover, it has to be taken into consideration that the situation in the world changes radically, however, laws and regulations should be constant. Security conditions, threats and risks are dynamic. Therefore, aims, tasks and ways to achieve them must be redefined. Mission commanders on almost all levels, operators, planners, as well as participants and executors (players) must take these legal standards and principles into account. A wide range of problems makes each commander permanently deepen his knowledge of commonly accepted law.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Błasik
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