Użyteczność wiedzy, władzy, państwa i prawa w poszukiwaniach pitagorejskich

Journal Title: Państwo Prawne - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 1


Knowledge, power, state and law in search of the Pythagorean school of philosophy Pythagorean school of philosophy focused on two areas: 1) religion and sense of human’s soul, 2) physical (material) world and its structure. Description of nature concerned the harmony immanent to structure of universe. In other words it was related to the way this structure is arranged following mathematically determined measure of the relation between the whole and the part according to the principle (number). The Pythagorean thought has also expanded the scope of laws of nature by adding polis sphere and indicating cosmos as an ideal for polis. Ancient tradition acknowledged the role of the Pythagoreans as initiators of philosophical reflexion on state and law in relation to the construct of a rule (arche) and structure of the universe. Pythagoreanism, following the path „from myth to logos”, influenced recognizing a social meaning of the natural law visions. Power of Orphic beliefs has become a basis of the philosophy which has adopted principles of Orphism (Pythagoras). Such an assimilation was the reason why rational recommendations of philosophy relating to polis, law and principles of Pythagorean ethics have gained in the society a dimension of divine orders demanding human subordination. In Pythagorean stage of this path „from myth to logos” some political, religious and education aspect was found except for this scientific and philosophical aspect. Some special achievements of the Pythagoreans are linked to the mathematical research on theory of numbers as well as their findings in geometry. However, their idea on the instrumental role of science remains their important message. In other words, science was to be treated not like a goal in itself but like an instrument. Science is to be developed and in result should allow to improve human beings to make their lives better by helping to purify their souls. This is the way of thinking where one can look for the germs of the vision which in future proposes perceiving a man as a goal, not as an instrument. And in turn this vision will become a source of ethical assessment of ideology of exploitation and domination over a human being in XX and XXI century.

Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Oniszczuk


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How To Cite

Jerzy Oniszczuk (2015). Użyteczność wiedzy, władzy, państwa i prawa w poszukiwaniach pitagorejskich. Państwo Prawne, 5(1), 7-57. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-191236