Vaccinations in children’s palliative care – our proposal for the algorithm 

Journal Title: Onkologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 11, Issue 4


Despite the fact that children under palliative care suffer from totally different diseases, they share similar health problems, among them respiratory tract infections. Vaccination is one of the most effective methods in infection prophylaxis. Practice proves that some patients with no contraindications to vaccination are not immunized in accordance with national vaccination program, which is obviously unfavorable to the children’s health. Yet, immunizations bring in significant profit to chronically ill patients: reduce the frequency of respiratory tract infections occurrence (vaccines against pneumococcal infections, Haemophilus influenzae type b, influenza), cause the decrease in antibiotics administration, prevent from infectious diseases (e.g. varicella, hepatitis type B) and, therefore, improve the life quality and duration. The article presents the author’s personal experience gained in Wroclaw Children’s Hospice where 27 children between the ages of 1-25 years are taken care of (the average age – 11 years, median – 12,5 years). The hospice care lasted from a few days to several years. The reason why children were under hospice care were the following conditions: cerebral palsy (7cases), the condition after cardiac arrest (3 cases), spinal muscular atrophy (2 cases), chronic lung disease (2 cases), metachromatic leukodystrophy (2 cases), Niemann-Pick disease, Menkes syndrome, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, the condition after craniocerebral trauma, Aicardi syndrome, congenital defect of central nervous system, Edwards syndrome, Hallervorden disease, muscular dystrophy and brain tumor. We propose our own algorithm in the approach to vaccinations. Vaccination of hospice patients may bring about problems such as: necessity of vaccination in the patients’ homes, the requirement of infectious diseases specialist’s consultation, the fear of pain and the high costs of vaccines not refunded by the government. Conclusions: Vaccination is an underestimated element of children’s palliative care. When vaccination is contraindicated or difficult to perform, people from the patients’ closest circle should be vaccinated in order to make the infection transmission impossible. It is essential that people who maintain contact with chronically ill children should be vaccinated against influenza annually. 

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Matkowska-Kocjan , Ernest Kuchar , Leszek Szenborn


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How To Cite

Agnieszka Matkowska-Kocjan, Ernest Kuchar, Leszek Szenborn (2008). Vaccinations in children’s palliative care – our proposal for the algorithm . Onkologia Polska, 11(4), 159-162.