Validation of the instrument to detect factors of cardiovascular risk
Journal Title: Más Vita - Year 2022, Vol 4, Issue 3
Introduction: The detection of individual cardiovascular risk factors is the basis for preventive decision making. Objective: To carry out a practical analysis of the questionnaire for the detection of cardiovascular risk factors. Materials and Methods: If conducted a quantitative, non-experimental cross-sectional investigation descriptive in the personnel that works in the Hospital of the day La Troncal. For the Obtaining the data, a questionnaire and a registration sheet were used, which were validated by expert judgment with a score of 0.9. After complying with ethical research procedures, a pilot test was carried out on a sample random from 34 servers. Results: Average age 36.91 SD ±7.44, predominance of female sex (67.6%); instruction: third level (67.6%); health personnel (88.2%); family history: high blood pressure 79.4%; diabetes 50%; overweight or obesity 38.2%; cardiovascular disease (CVD) 35.3%; CVD death 17.6%; personal history: 50% overweight or obese, 41.2%; high cholesterol, 29.4%; high triglycerides, 17.6%; smoke cigarettes and 82.4% do not do any activity physical. The nutritional status obtained through the BMI was: Overweight 50%; Obesity G1 23.5%; Obesity G2 8.8%. The blood test reported the following indicators biochemical: glycemia: 14.7%; pre diabetics; total cholesterol: 44.1% borderline high and high; triglycerides: 23.5% borderline high, high, and very high. The data was analyzed with statistical descriptive. Conclusion: The validated instrument is suitable for the detection of factors of cardiovascular risk.
Authors and Affiliations
Miryam Janeth Guallpa González, Holger Estuardo Romero Urréa, Gabriel José Suarez Lima, Gabriela Marilu Carbo Coronel
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