Value Engineering In Construction Industry
Journal Title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 8
The Value Engineering is an intensive, interdisciplinary problem solving activity that focuses on improving the value of the functions that are required to accomplish the goal, or objective of any product, process, service, or organization. Value Engineering is an effective problem solving technique. Value engineering is essentially a process which uses function analysis, team- work and creativity to improve value. Value Engineering can be applied during any stage of a project’s design development cycle. However, the greatest benefit and resource saving are typically achieved early in the development and conceptual design stages. VE may be applied more than once during the life of the project. In this paper we have discussed the concept of Value Engineering, its job plan and the effective implementation of it through a case study.
Authors and Affiliations
Ms. Sayali Dhayalkar, Mr. Hemanshu Ahire
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