Valued sex avoidance: knowledge and practice of abstinence in HIV and AIDS prevention among young Christians

Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 12


Despite the concerted efforts to eliminate the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) infection and Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), new HIV infections are still on the rise especially among the adolescents and young people (AYP) aged 15-24 years. In Kenya, 29% of all the new HIV infections are occurring among AYP (NASCOP, 2015). It is also estimated that 16% of all people living with HIV and those who are in need of antiretroviral therapy (ART) are AYP.The key driver of HIV infection within this age bracket is heterosexual transmissions. Young people comprise a significant population for the development of any nation. Thus, their health and behavioral/moralstability is of utmost importance. There is therefore an urgent need to put extra efforts in advocating for practical prevention programs to necessitate and accelerate reduction of new HIV infections among this age group. Abstinence is a key doctrine in Christian sexual morality that befits this age group (15-24 yrs). Abstinence has been lauded to curb the spread of HIV and AIDS among the unmarried. Drawing from a sub-representative data collected from un married Christians (19-24 yrs) in Thika East Sub-County on the knowledge and practice of Abstinence, the findings highlight that knowledge of abstinence as a HIV and AIDS preventive directive does not always translate to its practice. Evidence from the quantitative data and focus group discussions indicate that AYP experience conflicts in moral decision making regarding their sexual choices, that is, between adhering to a Church norm (abstinence) and acting out of a valued choice (engaging in pre-marital sex).This paper calls for holistic targeted and valued sex avoidance approach in curbing new HIV infections among the young people. There is thus, a dire need to advocate for knowledge with internalization of the values embedded in Christian moral teaching on sexual abstinence for the unmarried.

Authors and Affiliations

Telesia K. Musili


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  • EP ID EP423966
  • DOI 10.9790/0837-2312036672.
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How To Cite

Telesia K. Musili (2018). Valued sex avoidance: knowledge and practice of abstinence in HIV and AIDS prevention among young Christians. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 23(12), 66-72.