Values of moments of strength of antagonistic muscles of the hip joint-preliminary notification.
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2012, Vol 14, Issue 6
Background. The hip is multiaxis joint, with the most mobile pond of a lower limb. Here an efficient muscular system is outweighing. Purpose. Determining mean of moments of outside strength of the hip joint for individual age groups. Examining relations of moments of antagonistic muscles strength , changes of mean of strength muscles moments working on the hip joint.Matherial and methods. The examined group embraced 120 women in century 19 - 85 years. For the examination persons, at which the dysfunction of hip joints and knee was made impossible, were categorised. They conducted research in NZOZ of the Centre of WSZiA Rehabilitation in Zamość on the SPB2 position - FM. Results. The analysis of the results is showing that the highest mean of moments of strength of all muscle teams are characteristic of women belonging to age group 19 - 25 years. An also gradual fall in mean of moments of powers was stated along with age.Conclusion. 1.SPB2 position - FM is an objective tool for the diagnostic testing of moments of strength of muscles working on the hip joint. 2. Above examinations are an admission to developing norms of muscle strength of the hip belt what is an important component very much in curing the dysfunction of this pond.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Derewiecki , Marta Duda , Piotr Majcher , Krzysztof Mroczek
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