Vanitas. Ruina jako przestrzeń (bez)graniczna


Vanitas. Ruin as an (un)limited space The main inquiry of the article is the question of cultural status of ruins nowadays, especially modern and postmodern abandoned and decayed places. Referring to the well-known and often discussed concept of vanitas, the author tries to use it in a different way and pays particular attention to the following main topics: 1) ruinophilia – a phenomenon in late modern culture; 2) ruin as a parergon and (un)limited space; 3) abandoned buildings as places of contemplation in secularised culture; 4) questionable issue of a “death of a place”.

Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Nieszczerzewska


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How To Cite

Małgorzata Nieszczerzewska (2015). Vanitas. Ruina jako przestrzeń (bez)graniczna. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica, 3(), 68-79.