Varieties and storages of fruits of a melon in the conditions of Karakalpakstan
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
The paper provides data on the evaluation of varieties of melons grown in Uzbekistan and which have the greatest distribution in melon–growing in Karakalpakstan. An assessment of the land that can be used for this crop was carried out. When assessing the shelf–life of different varieties, data were used on the nutrient content and the conditions for growing these varieties, as well as on the storage conditions of the fruit. The varieties of melons are distinguished, which are divided into groups according to maturation and nutritional characteristics and taste characteristics. For long–term storage of melons, optimal climatic conditions and especially temperature and humidity of air are necessary. In the conditions of Karakalpakstan melons can be stored until May. In conclusion, recommendations are given on the best methods of storage, which allows you to save not only the presentation of fruits but also quality characteristics.
Authors and Affiliations
J. Sultanov, B. Bekbanov, N. Bysenbaeva, A. Mambetnazarov
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