Scholars deriving from different schools of thought, especially if these grow out of different traditions, do not meet too frequently, and it is even more rare for these meeting to result in creating theories or research...
The author reviews a collection of articles by Polish philosophers entitled 'Przewodnik po filozofii umysłu' ('A guide to the philosophy of mind'), which can be classified as a profound and comprehensive introduction to...
I would like to set up te problem I want to address in terms of two of the different strands that we find in Merleau-Ponty’s thinking about the phenomenology of the body. One of these strands is profoundly insightful. Th...
EP ID EP135318
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John Carvalho (2012). Varieties of Presence. A book review. AVANT. Pismo awangardy filozoficzno-naukowej, 0(1),
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O Czerwonym Śledziu. Recenzja książki
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I would like to set up te problem I want to address in terms of two of the different strands that we find in Merleau-Ponty’s thinking about the phenomenology of the body. One of these strands is profoundly insightful. Th...