Venous Leg Ulcer - Management Experience In A Tertiary Healthcare Center In Eastern India
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 4
Introduction: venous ulcer is most common type of chronic leg ulcer. In this study we have tried to summarize the experience of venous ulcer treatment in RIMS,Ranchi; a tertiary healthcare center in eastern India. Material and methods: This is a prospective study done over a period of 2years.Patients of venous ulcer were treated with conservative approach and followed up. In case of no response or poor response to conservative treatment, surgical treatment was done Result: 92.9%patients were male and 7.1% were female. Mean ulcer size at presentation was 37.5 cm2 . 85.7% ulcers healed completely on conservative treatment at 3 month follow up, another 9.5% healed at 5 months followup and in 4.7% cases surgical treatment was required Conclusion: in our institute good healing rate is achieved in treatment of venous ulcer with conservative management
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Vivek Bhasker, Dr R. S. Sharma, Dr Brajesh Kumar, Dr Bikram , Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Dr. M. D. Kerketta
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