Venous thromboembolism in surgical practice
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 4
A statistical retrospective analysis of the results of treatment of patients undergoing inpatient treatment in the surgical clinic, proctology and urology departments for 5 years was conducted, total number of patients – 27771, of them operated – 14849 (53.5%), postoperative mortality – 448 patients (3.0%), the overall mortality – 989 patients (3.6%). According to the analysis of the medical documentation, the total number of patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) was 98 (0.35%), the number of patients diagnosed during treatment – 56 (57.1%), at the time of pathoanatomical examination – 42 (42.9%); in 72 patients PE was directly responsible for death, 26 patients were cured by conservative methods. Of 98 patients with PE in 56 (56.1%), the main disease was oncological disease, in most cases in neglected form with distant metastases. A reduction in postoperative lethality by 40% was obtained, the reason for which, in our opinion, are: mandatory adherence to the recommended timing of the prevention of acute thromboembolic complications; prolongation of the prophylaxis term in patients who have undergone major surgical interventions or with postoperative complications that lead to a prolonged limitation of the patients' motor activity; a wider use of low molecular weight heparins.
Authors and Affiliations
I. L. Verkholaz, E. A. Yaroshenko, S. L. Malinovsky
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