Verb-Complement Relation In Yûnus Emre Diwan

Journal Title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches - Year 2016, Vol 5, Issue 6


Cases determine the relation between nouns and verbs. Verbs need complements with case suffixes to gain a meaning in the context. These complements may vary according to the meaning of the verb or the intention of language user. In this research, the relation between complements and verbs in Yûnus Emre Diwan, which is written in 13th century in Anatolia, and one of the works of Old Anatolian Turkish Period will be examined. 490 verbs, except for compound verbs, which are detected to be used with complements in Yûnus Emre Diwan, have been compared in terms of similarities with verbs in Kül Tigin Monument, Kutadgu Bilig and some Old Anatolian Turkish works, and from time to time, verbs in Turkey Turkish dialects. The use of these verbs which are categorized in regards with similarities and the use of verbs which are examined in terms of verb-complement relation are compared. Besides, verbs whose use is different from those in standard Turkey Turkish have been examined under a different title. We have determined the relation the verbs which only exist in Yûnus Emre Diwan with complements, in accordance with their meanings in Turkey Turkish.

Authors and Affiliations

Ali Osman YALKIN| Ar. Gör, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi, FEF, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü


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How To Cite

Ali Osman YALKIN (2016). Verb-Complement Relation In Yûnus Emre Diwan. Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches, 5(6), 1501-1519.