Very rare localization of a merkel cell carcinoma: about a case and review of the literature
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 6
Abstract: We report a case of Merkel cell carcinoma in a 34-year-old woman in the form of a subcutaneous nodule measuring 5 x 3 x2 cm from the right thigh root. Wide surgical excision is the only treatment performed. After a follow-up of 10 months, the patient is still alive without metastasis or recurrence. The review of the literature tells us that the origin of this tumor remains hypothetical and that only the immunohistochemical study provides diagnostic confirmation in particular the coexistence of Neurofilament and cylokeratin. The specific enolase neuron and membrane epithelial antigen are consistently positive. Overall, the prognosis is poor: the survival rate at 3 years is 62%. Certain parameters correlated with the prognosis are specified. Keywords:Merkel; carcinoma;Root of the thigh
Authors and Affiliations
Yassine Sadrati, Karim Bennani, Imad El Ghordaf, Firdaous Touarsa, Monsef Boufettal, Rida Allah Bassir, M. Ouadghiri
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