Victimological prevent looting and robberies

Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 33


The article examines the main trends of committing robberies and robberies provided victimological characteristics of the victims of these crimes, peculiarities of provocative behavior in the particular circumstances and offered set of measures victimological prevention. It is established that the vast majority of looting and robberies committed in public crime groups in terms of non-obviousness. The victims of such attacks are lonely pedestrians in the dark. Some of them looked victim. Most of the advance does not recognize the criminal intentions of attacking the characteristic gestures, aggressive demeanor, or the nature of the situation prevailing at the time the offense was committed. Victimological recommendations to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime and the that prevention serious health effects depend on the circumstances prevailing at the time of assault and criminal behavior of a crime. It is proved that when members of criminal groups apparently show signs of aggression, provoking conflict, the other side of the interaction should not succumb to provocations, go to escalate the conflict to resort to aggressive actions. When the group started attacking recommended loud call for help or try to make a breakthrough power and immediately leave the scene. Attention is drawn to the fact that when the members of a criminal group of foreign aggression did not show but it used typical methods of distraction or looking contrived pretext for an attack, you need to join with them in verbal contact, try to persuade the lack of valuable property, and the need to strike to advance the most aggressive participant, using any available means of self-defense. Warns of the mortal danger posed by robbery, combined with penetration into housing and other facilities. The necessity to fulfill all the requirements and try criminals in any way to immediately leave the scene. To repel the attack on the house is recommended to use all available means of self within self-defense. Particular attention should be paid system of measures to prevent looting and robbery with IT technology. The creation of locally victimological security system that provides network and other electronic information to citizens on the high level of threat of looting and robberies in a particular place and time. Local victimological security system requires appropriate software that will analyze the current operational environment to simulate typical situations likely scenario and predict the likelihood of committing robberies and robberies in a specific period of time and designated places.

Authors and Affiliations

Богдан Головкін, B. N. Holovkin


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How To Cite

Богдан Головкін, B. N. Holovkin (2017). Victimological prevent looting and robberies. ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ, 1(33), 78-96.