Views of Secondary School Teachers on Civic Competencies According to Framework Education Curricula

Journal Title: Papers of Social Pedagogy - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 1


This academic study maps the views of secondary school teachers on civic competencies in Czech Republic based on research surveys. Civic competencies are important key competencies that influence secondary school students and form them into free and responsible personalities living in a democratic society. These competencies take part in creating a student’s identity, particularly social and cultural. This study aims to find out what the views are of secondary school teachers on civic competencies. It also aims to propose solutions to take part in systematic preparations for teaching jobs and teacher education. Our main research tool was the internet survey downloadable from the internet. Teachers were informed about the survey via e-mail sent to every secondary school listed in the Czech Ministry of Education register. It has been processed on the first level of sorting and we interpreted the data based on the descriptive method.

Authors and Affiliations

Helena Skarupska


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How To Cite

Helena Skarupska (2017). Views of Secondary School Teachers on Civic Competencies According to Framework Education Curricula. Papers of Social Pedagogy , 6(1), 48-57.