Використання енергетичного потенціалу деревини: еколого-економічний вимір [The potential of using energy wood: ecological economics dimension]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
The essence of wood wastes category is determined. The classification and factors affecting their use are presented. The potential of Ukraine regarding the use of wood wastes for energy production is characterized. In Ukraine there is an ample room for its expansion. Criteria of wood efficiency are described. Also main directions of wood wastes use are identified. Production of briquettes and pellets as fuel material for heating of buildings is the most promising form of wood wastes use. Quantitative indicators of waste management, formed as a result of the production activity of individual enterprises of the L’viv region are analyzed. It is established that on the majority of the studied enterprises, the wood wastes are transferred outside, which is a reserve for involving them in economic circulation, in particular for use in heating of the production facilities. Based on the analysis of quantitative indicators of waste management, an investment project has been proposed for the purchase of special equipment for wood wastes grinding. The costs and benefits of such an investment project are determined. The cost-benefit analysis allowed to estimate economic efficiency of special equipment purchasing for wood grinding. The recommendations on the sustainable use of wood wastes generated as a result of the enterprises activities have been developed. Particular attention is paid to the identification of wood waste sources generation in the framework Energy saving program of the Lviv oblast implementation. The directions and conditions for the use of such wastes discussed/, In particular attention is given to wastes which are originated from the replacement of wooden windows and doors with new, mostly plastic ones. The special emphasis is placed on the environmental aspects of the wood wastes sustainable use.
Authors and Affiliations
Ludmyla Maksymiv, Viktoria Klymovych
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