Виробництва художнього скла і дзеркал на мануфактурах князів Радзивіллів на теренах Білорусі та України у ХVІІІ – ХІХ ст. / Radziwill family’s manufactures of art glass and mirrors in XVIII – XIX centures in the territory of Belarus and Ukraine
Journal Title: Історичні студії суспільного прогресу - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue
This article is about the old-fashioned art glass manufactures of XVІІІ – ХІХ centuries in territory of Belarus and Ukraine. Specificity of the enterprises organization in Naliboky, Urichya, Chudniv, structural elements of manufactures, fabrication work cycle are considered. The special attention is paid to an art part of manufactories, persons leading masters, and production assortment. Known masters of the Naliboky glass manufactory to 1740th were Mikolay and Yan Dubytsky, and also Grygir Avchuk. In Uritchya for 1740 Wolfgang Landgraf who understood subtleties of glass skill worked. Except it, from Potsdam the expert in crystals Johann George Hajnts has been invited. The art workshop then was headed by Frenchman Konstantin Frantishek Fremel. From Uritchya-Naliboky workshops names of hereditary masters of a local origin have remained. In particular, engravers and experts in polishing are mentioned has flown down Mikolay, Yan, Peter, Kazymyr, Gnat, Todor, Каrol, etc. Dubytskys, some generations Rymashevskys, Zaleskys, Sontsevychs, Alexandrovytchs, Adamovytchs, Dashkevichs. For special cases manufacturing of diamond, ruby glass, products with the Venetian thread and filigree patterns charged to Saxon masters – to brothers Gentsy and Dreger. As the expert of refined glass was considered Yan Fridrich Dzic. Between 1739 – 1765 on the Radziwill family’s Uritsky glass manufactory the master from Dresden H. T. Sherber was engaged in designing and manufacturing of this assortment. In the second half of the 18th century, a certain Torzhevsky worked at the Chudnovsky glass factory as a master (for the demolition of the 1750s – 1760s), whom Polish researchers identified with the author of the first textbook on the production of glass by Josef Torzhevsky.Production of Radziwill family glass enterprises was delivered to Poland, Russia, other countries of Europe. Direct participation of owners in creative-designing processes allowed supervising art quality of products of the designated enterprises. Besides, magnates-industrialists and patrons of art, representatives of this sort very much showed consideration for acceptance for work of experts of a creative part, paid considerable attention to training of local personnel and thus carried out certain assimilation of the German-Czech and Polish technologies with traditions of domestic Ukrainian and Belarus art.
Authors and Affiliations
Olha Shkolna
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