Virtual society and workplaces: Block 477, Sharing Knowledge: Incubator, NY
Journal Title: Architectus - Year 2017, Vol 21, Issue 4
The article refers to the problem of adapting architecture to today’s needs of man. The main purpose of this paper was to find the answer to the question of what is the role of modern work places. It is based on the diploma thesis “Block 477”. This is a project of the incubators’ network which include the most popular tools in the present time and place. Tools which allow making various innovative products based on the newest achievements of science and technology, and also cooperation and self-development of freelancers’. The project creates a functional structure, in which different fields of science are mixed, which leads to the merging and creating new phenomena. The incubators’ locations are set in key places where the internet infrastructure in the world is most dense (e.g. Manhattan, NY). The usable program is a function of the algorithm elaborated on the basis of a chosen domain of social informatics, the so-called reality mining (analyzing social phenomena in the internet). The spatial structure of the incubator is bound with the functional algorithm which allows constant development and transformation of the building.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Bala
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