Viscosupplementation for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2017, Vol 71, Issue


INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritis of the knee (gonarthritis – GA) is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders. Pain and limitation of joint movement are the most constant and troublesome symptoms of the joint pathology. The aim of the study was to examine viscosupplementation therapy with hyaluronic acid. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 96 patients were administered hyaluronic acid unilaterally (the 1K group), while 33 patients were administered hyaluronic acid bilaterally (the 2K group) in a 40-day cycle. The stage of the disease was assessed based on medical history, physical examination and a questionnaire survey. Analysis of the following parameters was performed: serum level of sulfhydryl groups (SH), total oxidant status (TOS), catalase activities (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in erythrocytes and superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) in plasma and erythrocytes. RESULTS: Viscosupplementation resulted in pain reduction and improvement in the HHS score. The SOD and CAT activities were significantly decreased, while GPx activity as well as the SH level significantly increased in both the examined groups. In addition the TOS values significantly decreased. CONCLUSION: Viscosupplementation therapy with hyaluronic acid significantly reduces pain of the knee joint, improves its function and has a beneficial effect on the pro/antioxidant balance in the blood of patients diagnosed with GA. The effects of uni- and bilateral administration of hyaluronic acid are similar.

Authors and Affiliations

Alina Beata Ostałowska, Sławomir Święchowicz, Bogdan Koczy, Tomasz Stołtny, Dariusz Nowak, Marta Skowron, Ewa Birkner


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  • EP ID EP349619
  • DOI 10.18794/aams/62723
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How To Cite

Alina Beata Ostałowska, Sławomir Święchowicz, Bogdan Koczy, Tomasz Stołtny, Dariusz Nowak, Marta Skowron, Ewa Birkner (2017). Viscosupplementation for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis, 71(), 38-45.