“Vision Zero” Strategy of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) – road to comprehensive protection of life and health at work
Journal Title: Ubezpieczenia w Rolnictwie. Materiały i Studia - Year 2017, Vol 62, Issue 62
The International Social Security Association (ISSA) was established in 1927 in Brussels, with the support of the International Labour Organization (ILO). The purpose of this association is to expand and promote social security around the world. Currently, the Association includes over 320 membership organizations (full members and associate members) from 160 countries. Full members of ISSA from Poland include the Social Insurance Institution [pl. Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych] (since the moment of Association’s establishment) and the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund [pl. Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego] since 1991. This organization also promotes activities in the scope of safety and protection of labour. “Vision Zero” is a strategy of prevention in the field of occupational safety, developed by ISSA. It combines three dimensions of human work: health, safety and well-being at all levels of workplace management. This strategy is based on 7 Golden Rules, the use of which helps to design the work environment in a manner that will reduce the risk of undesirable events, i.e. so that nobody loses life or health at work. International thematic prevention sections belonging to ISSA are in the process of developing guides to the "Vision Zero", allowing for the use of assumptions of this strategy in every sector of the economy. Reducing the number of accidents at work and occupational diseases will guarantee better working conditions, as well as healthy society. It will have a positive impact on the economic living conditions and it will also contribute to the decrease in institution's expenses on sickness benefits. Leading the ISSA International Section on Prevention in Agriculture, the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund joined the international campaign promoting the “Vision Zero” in 2018, thus becoming the official Partner of “Vision Zero”.
Authors and Affiliations
Biuro Organizacyjno-Prawne
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