Visual Grounded Theory. Teaching Grounded Theory by Images and Visual Analysis

Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ - Year 2010, Vol 6, Issue 2


The paper is based on personal 20-year experience of teaching qualitative methods and methodology of grounded theory. In the following paper I would like to show the usefulness of visual analysis in teaching methodology of grounded theory. A very important tool is sequencing of pictures which gives a comparative insight into empirical data and teaches the comparative method. Students can learn how to compare and find patterns in empirical instances which have visual character. Some of the sequences show stages of action and the sequence which is a linear representation of activity. In other case, the sequences of pictures given to students are not planned. They are almost accidentally created and force students to find patterns by means of the comparative analysis. We should always know what was happening before a picture was taken as well as afterwards, it is similar to sequences analysis in textual data (Silverman, 2007: 61 –84; 146). Students are also encouraged to saturate categories using data from photos. This helps them to proceed with the research from empirical incidents to conceptually elaborated properties of categories and finally to the definition of category. They also get familiar with the procedure of saturating category. In this way they learn visual grounded theory, that is using the visual images for generating categories, properties and hypotheses.

Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Konecki


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How To Cite

Krzysztof Konecki (2010). Visual Grounded Theory. Teaching Grounded Theory by Images and Visual Analysis. PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ, 6(2), 1-35.