Visualisasi Tenun Baduy

Journal Title: Journal of Visual Art and Design - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 2


Kegiatan menenun sudah melekat di setiap jiwa perempuan di Suku Baduy mulai dari umur tiga tahun. Rumusan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) Bagaimana visualisasi tenun yang diproduksi Masyarakat Baduy? 2) Bagaimana pewarisan dalam hal membuat kain tenun ditransmisikan pada masyarakat Baduy? Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi etnografi dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data didapat dengan teknik observasi partisipan, tersamar, wawancara mendalam, Studi dokumentasi, dan Studi pustaka. Penelitian ini fokus pada visualisasi tenun Suku Baduy, meliputi filosofi menenun, proses pembuatan motif, teknik menenun, pola pewarisan tenun, dan faktor pendukung lestarinya tenun Suku Baduy. Filosofi dan tata cara membuat motif tenun Suku Baduy merupakan amanat dari para leluhur. Motifnya diambil dari pencerminan alam dan pikukuh Suku Baduy, dan ada juga yang merupakan kreasi sendiri. Teknik menenun berupa teknik buatan tangan yang menggunakan ATBM (Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin) atau dikenal dengan sebutan pakara tinun (peralatan tenun). Pola pewarisan dilakukan dengan cara patuh terhadap pandangan hidup atau pikukuh Suku Baduy, setiap ibu mengajarkan kepada anaknya, serta anak sendiri belajar dengan teman sebayanya di sosompang atau teras rumah. Tenun Baduy hingga sekarang masih bisa bertahan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya penduduk Suku Baduy sangat taat kepada amanat para leluhurnya, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sandang, faktor keyakinan dan filosofi Baduy, faktor geografi, keterbatasan interaksi, identitas, faktor ekonomi, dan kemitraan. Visualizing Baduy Weaving Abstract. Weaving is engraved in the soul of every Baduy woman, who start learning this skill from the age of three. The problem formulation of this study is twofold: 1) How can Baduy weaving be visualized? 2) How are the inherited weaving skills transferred by the Baduy people? The data used in this study were collected through blind participant observation, in-depth interviews, a documentation study and a literature review. This study focused on visualizing Baduy weaving, including the philosophy of weaving, the process of pattern making, weaving techniques, inherited weaving patterns, and factors supporting the preservation of Baduy weaving. The philosophy and procedure of Baduy weaving are inherited from ancestors. The patterns originate from reflection on nature and the Baduy way of life (pikukuh), and also own creations are produced. The Baduy people practice handweaving using a handloom (no machine tools), known in their language as pakara tinun. The transfer of inherited patterns happens through the adherence to the Baduy way of life. Every mother teaches her children, who then develop their skill by themselves together with their peers on a porch (sosompang). Baduy weaving until now has survived due to several factors, including the Baduy people being very obedient to the mandates of their ancestors with regards to clothing, their beliefs and philosophy, their geographical location which limits interaction with the outside world, Baduy identity, economic factors, and partnerships.

Authors and Affiliations

Nina Maftukha, Yustiono Yustiono, Ira Adriati


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  • EP ID EP315441
  • DOI 10.5614/j.vad.2017.9.2.1
  • Views 111
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How To Cite

Nina Maftukha, Yustiono Yustiono, Ira Adriati (2017). Visualisasi Tenun Baduy. Journal of Visual Art and Design, 9(2), 51-66.