Visualizing Computer Programming in a Computer-based Simulated Environment


This paper investigated the challenges presented by computer programming (sequential/traditional, concurrent and parallel) for novice programmers and developers. The researcher involved Higher Education in Computer Science students learning programming at multiple levels, as they could well represent beginning programmers, who would struggle in successfully achieving a running program due to the complexity of this theoretical process, which has no similar real-life representation. The paper explored the difficulties faced by students in understanding this challenging, yet fundamental, subject of all Computer Science/Computing degree programmes, and focused on the advantages of visualization techniques to facilitate the learning of computer programming, with recommendations on effective computer-based simulated platforms to achieve this visualization. The paper recommended the application of virtual world technologies, such as ‘Second Life’, to achieve the visualization required to facilitate the understanding and learning of computer programming. The paper demonstrated extensive evidence on the advantages of these technologies to achieve program visualization, and how they facilitated enhanced learning of the programming process. The paper also addressed the benefits of collaboration and experimentation, which are ideal for learning computer programming, and how these aspects are strongly supported in virtual worlds.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. Belsam Attallah


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  • EP ID EP260629
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2017.080848
  • Views 114
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How To Cite

Dr. Belsam Attallah (2017). Visualizing Computer Programming in a Computer-based Simulated Environment. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 8(8), 369-378.