Внутрішньоорганізаційні принципи адміністративної діяльності ОВС України

Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2015, Vol 56, Issue 1


Запропоновано авторську дефініцію внутрішньоорганізаційних принципів адміністративної діяльності органів внутрішніх справ України. Побудовано систему цих принципів, проведено моніторинг їх правового закріплення. Предложена авторская дефиниция внутреннеорганизационных принципов административной деятельности органов внутренних дел Украины. Построена система этих принципов, проведён мониторинг их правового закрепления. An author’s definition of inner-organizational principles of administrative activities of Internal Affairs Agencies of Ukraine is offered. Under it the author understands executive and administrative, managerial ideas regulated by the rules of administrative law and aimed at qualitative selection and training of personnel to perform their duties, to improve their activities, to create appropriate conditions for their service and increasing efficiency of the activity of Internal Affairs Agencies of Ukraine. The system of these principles is constructed, which, according to the author, include: the principle of free access of citizens to serve in the police; the principle of professionalism and competence; the principle of social protection of police officers; the principle of planning and forecasting; the structural and functional principle; the principle of internal interaction. The monitoring of legal consolidation of the principles of administrative activities of Internal Affairs Agencies of Ukraine is realized. It is summarized that, despite of the fact that these principles have always been the object of attention of scientists and were viewed through the prism of different branches of law, some of the principles have not found their legal, particularly departmental consolidation in the legislation of Ukraine. It is noted that implementation of scientific achievements in the practice will make possible to improve the activity of Internal Affairs Agencies of Ukraine, including administrative one.

Authors and Affiliations

M. Y. Kriepakova


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How To Cite

M. Y. Kriepakova (2015). Внутрішньоорганізаційні принципи адміністративної діяльності ОВС України. Право і безпека, 56(1), 35-40. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-271652