Vortices Diffusion in a Micropolar Luquid
Journal Title: Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա - Year 2010, Vol 63, Issue 4
Solutions are found that describe vortex flow within the framework of micropolar liquid theory. These solutions are similar to well-known exact solutions of Oseen and Taylor for classical Newtonian fluid. It is shown that Oseen problem of a line vortex decay in micropolar liquid is not self-similar and does not have an exact solution. Integral invariants and numerical solution of the problem are provided. It is found that for Taylor problem of a vortex lattice diffusion the influence of micropolarity tends to more intensive vortex decay then in a classic Navier-Stokes fluid.
Authors and Affiliations
Murad Brutyan
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