
У статті проаналізовано процес становлення державності в США та його вплив на етнічні, расові групи та корінні народи. Доведено, що найбільшого впливу зазнали індіанці та афроамериканці. Визначено, в який саме спосіб держава через свої інститути впливала на процес етнічної мобілізації в цих групах. Досліджено прояви етнічної мобілізації індіанців та афроамериканців, в також реакцію державного апарату на цей процес. The formation of statehood in the United States is well-researched process among the scientists of the world, including Ukrainian. Scientific papers continue to appear aimed at treating certain ethnic groups or indigenous peoples in that country. But until now little research point in political science (especially domestic) analyze the influence of the process of state formation on ethnic groups and indigenous peoples. What was the quality of the process? Was it a determining influence on the politicization of ethnicity in the United States? Whether the process was accompanied of American state's influence on ethnic groups and indigenous peoples ethnic mobilization? Giving answers to these questions we can determine the degree of impact on ethnic groups and indigenous peoples in the United States. The purpose of this paper is to show that the state and its branches were the factors of ethnic mobilization in the United States throughout all the history of their formation. The objectives of the article are: 1) Identify ethnic groups and indigenous peoples most affected by the state building process in the United States; 2) Analyze how these effects occurred, in what forms it took place, how ethnic mobilization and demobilization carried on. Given the characteristics of the appearance of the United States at the world's political map, their federal structure and a high level of decentralization processes do not look as an obvious impact of governmental processes to ethnic, racial groups and indigenous peoples to the middle - the end of the XIX century. However, over time the development of state institutions, penetration, control and management of the state regarding the above-mentioned groups were seemed increasingly evident. The state, as an effective manager, has its hands processes of ethnic mobilization of Indians, African Americans, and certain ethnic groups of immigrants. If necessary, the government initiated the process of ethnic demobilization. In our opinion, the greatest impact on the processes of state building in the United States has indigenous peoples and African Americans.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleh Kozachuk


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Oleh Kozachuk (2017). ВПЛИВ ДЕРЖАВОТВОРЧИХ ПРОЦЕСІВ НА ЕТНІЧНІ ГРУПИ ТА ЕТНІЧНУ МОБІЛІЗАЦІЮ В США. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(18), 248-255. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-427601