Вплив гербіцидів на продуктивність рижію посівного / Effect of herbicides on productivity of Camelina sativa
Journal Title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
The effective control of weeds in agricultural crops is an important condition for obtaining a high and stable harvest. There are currently no active substances in Ukraine on Camelina sativa. In the conditions of sufficient moisture of the Western forest-steppe Ukraine, a research was conducted to evaluate certain herbicides for selectivity and effective action on weeds. It has been established that the results of the use of metazachlor and propiochloride have a partial phytotoxicity on the Camelina sativa, which is expressed in the reducing the similarity, twisting the leaves and reducing the weight of plants at the beginning of the vegetation. The weight of plants is reduced by 27–59 %, and the density is 32–86 pc/m2. In the use of metazachlor in the phase BBCH 12-14, the phytotoxicity was absent.The growth of crop capacity of Camelina sativa seeds for putting of metazachlor and propiochloride is 0,6–2,7 c/ha, or 5,3–23,9 % compared to control. The addition of Nyu-Film–17 to the metazachlor contributes to a 15,9 % increase the harvest. The increasing the metazachlor rate to 2,2 l/ha does not increase the additional growth of seeds in comparison with the norm of 1,8 l/ha, but on the contrary, there is a tendency to decrease the productivity. The most effective is the use of metazachlor after first-growth of the Camelina sativa. The adjusting the number of weeds by means of clopyralid leads to a significant damage of Сamelina sativa to diseases and reduces the crop capacity by 57 % compared to control.
Authors and Affiliations
Victor Ivaniuk, A. Smalko
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