Вплив листкового підживлення на урожайність цукрового буряку / Influence of foliar top dressing on yield of sugar beet
Journal Title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
It was analyzed the results of research on the influence of the sugar beet foliar application, within the prescribed period of vegetation by different forms and norms of micronutrients on the yield formation and quality of roots in the western foreststeppes of Ukraine It is lately recommended to make foliar nutrition of sugar beets for a partial substitution of the deficiency of macro and microelements and their more efficient application. Such measure stimulates growth processes and positively influences sugar-accumulation. Thus, study of the effects of “Intermag” fertilizers on yield capacity and quality of root crops is an actual problem. Fertilization is the most efficient factor to increase yield capacity and quality of sugar beets products. Considering high sensitivity of crops to microelements supply, foliar nutrition is an integral part of growing technology. Foliar nutrition is a supplementary tool of fertilizer application, not the main one. Degree and speed of nutrients absorption by leaves from fertilizers is much higher as compared to their application from the fertilizers, applied in soil, where they can be complexed into unavailable compounds. On the base of the main mineral nutrition of sugar beets, efficiency of application of Intermag mineral fertilizers is obvious. Foliar nutrition of plants with the complex of Intermag Buriak (2 l/ha) + Intermag Bor (1,0 l/ha) + Intermag Tytan (0,2 l/ha) + Intermag Sirka (3 l/ha) in the phases of 4-8 and 10–12 leaves substantially improves productivity of sugar beets as compared to the control.
Authors and Affiliations
V. Lykhochvor, Ivan Dudar, M. Bomba, Olha Lytvyn
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