Вплив міжнародних військових кампаній США на прийняття закону Голдвотера-Ніколса та його наслідки
Journal Title: Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу - Year 2016, Vol 33, Issue
The Goldwater Nichols Act of 1986 was the most comprehensive and important defense reorgani-zation legislation since its initial establishment in 1947. It has administrated the way the United States has organized, planned, and conducted military operations for the last thirty years. Despite this, a strong opposition movement organized primarily by Navy Secretary John F. Lehman, almost en-dangred the adoption of the mentioned above law. This opposition also included members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, prominent Senators and Congressman, and Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger. A ten year retrospective of the Act’s passage at the National Defense University (NDU) in 1999 de-tailed its six most significant achievements. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as an individu-al, was designated the principal military advisor to the President and other senior officials. The Chair-man was assigned new responsibilities in the areas of strategic planning, logistics, net assessments, joint doctrine, and joint programs and budgets. A Vice Chairman position, outranking the other chiefs was created to assist the Chairman and act as the Chairman in his or her absence. The Joint Staff was expanded beyond 400 members and placed directly under the control of the Chairman. The power and influence of the deployed unified commanders was also increased by providing them authority over subordinate commands in their areas of responsibility, especially regarding joint training, force organ-ization, and force employment. Finally, the Joint Specialty Officer program was mandated. This pro-gram was designed to ensure the services assigned some of their highest quality officers to joint du-ty.”1 Nearly all in attendance at the 1999 NDU event concluded that passage of the legislation was a universal good. The subject of the article is the influence of international US military campaigns on the adoption of Goldwater-Nichols Act. This article tends to examine the background which led to the adoption of Goldwater Nichols Act, the opposition of the Marines and Navy against the aforementioned Act. The goal is to analyze the main changes brought in by the Goldwater-Nichols Act and their impact on the development of the US military. The phenomena concern “Joint Forces” and the increase of effective cooperation between the departments. The key provisions, which strengthened the position of the Secretary of Defense and out-lined its role in the chain of command, will be evaluated.
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Manchulenko
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