Вплив оздоровчого тренування на розвиток функціонального стану жінок першого зрілого віку


The purpose: to reveal features of physical and functional state of women of the first adult age (21-35 years) in the system of health training. Materials and methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, information resources of the Internet and documentary materials. Results: definite anatomical and physiological characteristics of women of the first adult age, which must be taken into account when conducting physical fitness classes. Established: the choice of the optimal load, duration and intensity of training should occur solely taking into account the physical and mental characteristics of women of the first adulthood. Conclusions: taking into account the revealed age-specific features of functional and physical development in the process of physical fitness training and choosing the optimal type of employment for women of the first adulthood is a prerequisite for maintaining the health of those engaged in recreational physical culture.

Authors and Affiliations

І. В. Іванов


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І. В. Іванов (2017). Вплив оздоровчого тренування на розвиток функціонального стану жінок першого зрілого віку. Фізична реабілітація та рекреаційно-оздоровчі технології, 2(1), 3-9. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-257202