Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 15
Розглянуто міжнародно-політичну взаємодію країн-учасниць БРІКС зі США та НАТО у пост біполярній міжнародній системі. Визначено основні проблеми з якими вони зіштовхуються в результаті інтеракцій на світовій політичній арені. Зазначається, що економіки країн, що входять в групу БРІКС, мають великий потенціал і забезпечують приблизно 60% приросту світового ВВП. Незважаючи на різницю економічних структур, всі країни БРІКС об’єднують політичні амбіції, прагнення перетворити зростаючу економічну міць у геополітичний вплив. Однак, в цілому, перспективи БРІКС не піддаються однозначній оцінці і залишається багато питань щодо розвитку даної структури. The international political interaction of BRICS member countries with the US and NATO in the post bipolar international system is considered. The main problems they face with as a result of interactions on the world political scene are found out. It is noted that the economies of the countries that enter the BRICS group, have great potential and provide about 60% of global GDP growth. Despite the difference of economic structures, all BRICS countries are united by political ambition and desire to transform the growing economic power into geopolitical influence. However, in general, the prospects of BRICS cannot be uniquely foreseen and many questions remain unsolved concerning the development of the structur. Increasing international political and economic importance of BRICS compels the US to play in advancing the capabilities of this group of countries as a coherent structure to challenge American hegemony. The US is doing everything it can to prevent further consolidation of BRICS countries. Each country is given importance in foreign policy strategies, doctrines of US and NATO despite the fact that this association was not considered as a whole. In terms of the collapse of the unipolar world order US base on the concept of multilateralism, in which the US leadership in the world is being saved, but Washington will coordinate its foreign policy not only by itself, but with its allies. In this context, the main task of the US and its allies is to preserve the fragmentation of the world and to prevent the formation of new centers of power such as the BRICS. It is ascertained that at the beginning of the XXIst century the US possesses indisputable leadership in the political, socio-economic, scientific-technical and military aspects. Status of the leader requires concentration of all power sources and potential, and is accompanied by challenges as it can activate enormous power against temporary hegemony. It is more and more difficult for the United States to manage global processes and thus the rise of the BRICS countries contributes much to the geopolitical foundations of American foreign policy and its potential of global superpower. BRICS is planning further extension and Egypt, Iran and Indonesia are possible candidates. If this happens, the BRICS will become de facto the most powerful geopolitical Union on all counts. In this case, it is possible to deny the possibility of creating its own political or military organization. As well as the creation of BRICS monetary union in the long term, alternative one to the dollar and euro. The Great Twenty is too large to take coordinated decisions inside it. Moreover, it combines both G-7 and BRICS, which interests, as it is possible to see are more and more different. Creation of BRICS military alliance is only possible if each country of the group is confident that the goal of the Western intervention is the destruction of its economic and social system or preconditions for the creation of a formal military alliance appear.
Authors and Affiliations
M. Fesenko
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