Journal Title: Studia Warmińskie - Year 2017, Vol 54, Issue 54
The article “In the service of the Church and science: philosophy of culture was her passion – Halina Wistuba (1920-2013)” is dedicated to a woman who in her writing activity was very involved in the process of change in Poland at the end of the 20th century. There was much to make up then, especially in upbringing and education. Halina Wistuba served with the gift she had and with the result of her intense intellectual work: as a speaker, lecturer and author of many publications in the field of philosophy of culture. Her philosophical and pedagogical erudition, keen mind and inquisitiveness in discovering the truth, as well as her great concern for the harmonious, integral development of young people, the love for the homeland and her personal deep faith put her at the forefront of people who, in their writing activities, rooted in the philosophy of culture, gave direction to the de-velopment of Catholic thought in the field of education of the young generation of Poles, who lived in the time of the great socio-political changes and the development of the democratic system in the country.
Authors and Affiliations
Barbara Rozen
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