W sprawie projektu ustawy o zasadach ustalenia kolejności obsadzania mandatów posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego wybieranych w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na kadencję 2019–2024
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2019, Vol 152, Issue 3
The opinion contains the legal analysis of the bill on the principles for establishing the order of filling the mandates of the Deputies to the European Parliament elected by the Republic of Poland for the term 2019–2024 (print no. 3272). According to its author, the bill solves the problem indicated by the National Electoral Commission, related to a possible situation, when on the day of elections to the European Parliament the number of seats for the Republic of Poland equals 51 instead of 52. What is more, the constitutional admissibility of the proposed bill is unquestionable. Nonetheless, the author indicates the need for certain modifications of the bill, in particular a modification ensuring that a person vested with “the fifty-second mandate” is not referred to, in the proposed provisions, as “the Deputy to the European Parliament, who does not take the seat at the beginning of the term”.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Chybalski
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