Wczesna ocena słuchu u chorych leczonych operacyjnie z powodu przewlekłego zapalenia ucha środkowego
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 6
Intoduction. The aim of the study was the comparison of hearing before and after ear surgery in patients with chronic otitis media according to Fowler and Sabine criteria. Material. The study comprised 42 patients (42 ears), aged 19–72 (26 females and 16 males). The patients were divided into three groups, considering the type of surgery; Group I – 20 ears after myringoplasty, group II – 14 ears after mastoidectomy with canal up and myringoplasty and group III – 8 ears after the mastoidectomy with canal down. Methods. Audiologic examination was performed together with the evaluation of hearing loss according to the criteria of Fowler and Sabine (CPT), before and 3 months after the ear surgery. The difference of 20% (CPT) was considered improvement or deterioration of the hearing. Results. On the basis of the intraoperative examination, chronic otitis media with perforation was found in 18 patients, granulating otitis media in 16 patients and the chronic otitis with cholesteatoma in 8 patients. The myringoplasty was performed in 20 patients, the mastoidectomy with canal up and myringoplasty in 14 patients and the mastoidectomy with canal down in 8 patients. In 14 ears of group I (70%) hearing improvement was noticed, and in 6 (30%) remained unchanged. The mean hearing loss according to CPT in this group was 40,39% before ear surgery and 24,26% after. In group II in 6 ears (43%) hearing improvement was observed, whereas in 8 (57%) remained unchanged. The mean hearing loss according to CPT in this group was 71,40% before and 61,85% after surgical treatment. In group III, hearing improvement was noticed in 37% of ears and in 5 (63%)did not change after the ear operation. The mean hearing loss (CPT) in this group was 81,57% before treatment and 71,37% after. Conclusions. Considering early evaluation of hearing the best results were obtained in patients subjected to myringoplasty and conservative operations of the middle ear with canal up procedure.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jurek Olszewski, Wiesław Konopka, Marcin Repetowski
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