The article discusses the basic documents signed during the seventh Russian-Chinese summit meeting (the second “informal summit”) in Beijing on 9-10 December 1999. During the meeting a joint information from the second i...
The aim of the article is the presentation of the Interpretative anthropology, and its connections with political science. The paper describes humanistic inspirations of contemporary social theories, anthropological ways...
In the following paper the interdependencies between eurocentrism and globalization have been pointed out; both phenomena have been defined. The European dominance, which started in the 16th century, revealed itself in a...
Stanisław Kulik was a pre-war professional non-commissioned officer of armored troops. He fought in September 1939, escaped from the German captivity, in a conspiracy in the Lublin region, he became a commander of a part...
Rafał Majewski (2011). Wektory kształtowania się systemów politycznych w Europie. Cywilizacja i Polityka, 9(9),
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Siódme rosyjsko-chińskie spotkanie na szczycie (drugie „nieformalne spotkanie” na szczycie) 9-10 grudzień 1999 r.
The article discusses the basic documents signed during the seventh Russian-Chinese summit meeting (the second “informal summit”) in Beijing on 9-10 December 1999. During the meeting a joint information from the second i...
Polityka jako wiedza kulturowa. Antropologia interpretatywna Clifforda Geertza
The aim of the article is the presentation of the Interpretative anthropology, and its connections with political science. The paper describes humanistic inspirations of contemporary social theories, anthropological ways...
Zależności między europocentryzmem a globalizacją
In the following paper the interdependencies between eurocentrism and globalization have been pointed out; both phenomena have been defined. The European dominance, which started in the 16th century, revealed itself in a...
Z Lubelszczyzny na Pomorze
Stanisław Kulik was a pre-war professional non-commissioned officer of armored troops. He fought in September 1939, escaped from the German captivity, in a conspiracy in the Lublin region, he became a commander of a part...
Tożsamość etniczna wśród polskich Romów