Wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne czynniki skutecznej realizacji „Narodowego programu zdrowia”
Journal Title: Studia BAS - Year 2018, Vol 56, Issue 4
This article explores various factors that affect implementation of the Polish health strategy, namely National Health Programme (NHP). On the basis of the concept of the Health Policy Triangle, the authors identify several factors of effective implementation of the NHP for the years 2016–2020 under the current legislation and organisational conditions. Those factors are divided into two groups: internal (dependant on NHP policy document) and external ones (related to legal and organisational context of programme’s implementation). Next, each factor is briefly characterised to provide some general guidance for the NHP for the next period. The final part of the article contain a list of proposed actions and decisions to be taken in order to ensure higher effectiveness of the next NHP.
Authors and Affiliations
Justyna Grudziąż-Sękowska, Kuba Sękowski
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