What has changed? Reflections on surgery of the pancreas
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2011, Vol 24, Issue 3
The authors present new trends in the treatment of acute inflammation, and tumors of the pancreas. The paper presents current indications for surgical intervention in acute pancreatitis with septic necrosis. Surgical intervention should be conducted as late as possible and minimally invasive techniques should be implemented at the beginning. The aspect of enteral nutrition is vital in acute pancreatitis through feeding either by naso-gastric or naso-intestinal tubes. There was no significance found in the administration of probiotics. In regard to chronic pancreatitis, pain relief procedures, pancreatic parenchyma- sparing and duodenal preserving procedures were underlined (Frey, Beger and Puestow procedures). The paper also describes the use of surgical robots and laparoscopic equipment in the pancreatic surgery. Special attention is paid to the IPMN (Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm, main and branch duct IPMNs), to new types of pancreatic anastomosis, complications after pancreatoduodenectomies (pancreatic fistula, DGE-delayed gastric emptying), as well as to modified scales of gravity (Petrov and BISAP scores) and nutrition in acute pancreatitis. The authors also discuss the results of the research work presented on two congresses: the European and the World-wide congress on pancreatic surgery in Stockholm and Buenos Aires. More specifically they also consult the anastomosis using the compression anastomosis clip (CAC) alloy NiTi performed during pancreatoduodenectomy (hepaticoenterostomy, gastroenterostomy and enteroenterostomy).We have observed that the use of CAC shortens the operation time, reduces post-operative complication rate and offers a shorter recovery period physiological intestinal function. CACs are safe in use and easy in application and also cost-effective.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Lampe, Katarzyna Kuśnierz
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