What is Jewish (If Anything) about Isaiah Berlin’s Philosophy?
Journal Title: Religions - Year 2012, Vol 3, Issue 2
This paper has two central aims: First, to reappraise Isaiah Berlin‘s political thought in a historically contextualized way, and in particular: to pay attention to a central conceptual tensions which animates it between, on the one hand, his famous definition of liberalism as resting on a negative concept of liberty and, on the other, his defense of cultural nationalism in general and Zionism in particular. Second, to see what do we gain and what do we lose by dubbing his philosophy Jewish. The discussion will proceed as follows: after describing the conceptual tension (Section 1), I will examine Berlin‘s discussion of nationalism and explain why comparisons between him and Hans Kohn as well as communitarian interpretations of him are incomplete and have limited merit. I will continue with a brief discussion of Berlin‘s Jewishness and Zionism (Section 3) and explain why I define this position ―Diaspora Zionism‖. The two concluding sections will discuss Berlin‘s place within a larger Cold War liberal discourse (Section 5) and why I find it problematic to see his political writings as part of a Jewish political tradition (Section 6).
Authors and Affiliations
Arie M. Dubnov
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